
HIV検査予約専用サイトについて About the Special HIV Testing Reservation Site

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  • HIV検査予約専用サイトについて About the Special HIV Testing Reservation Site

HIV検査予約専用サイト 日本語版・英語版

Go to the “Special HIV Testing Reservation Site”. (Another window will open)
  • HIV感染を心配する出来事から3ヵ月以上経過していないと正確な結果が得られないことがあります。
  • 無料・匿名の検査につき、証明書や診断書としては使えません。
  • 同時に2回以上の検査予約はできません。再度検査を希望する方は、必ず検査結果を聞いた後にご予約願います。
  • HIV治療中の方は検査をご遠慮ください。


Please make your HIV test reservation through the reservation site.
Please carefully read the following and then proceed to the reservation site.


①当クリニックについて About the Clinic


The clinic providing this HIV test has been in operation since 2007, on consignment by both Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City. It’s run by a specified non-profit corporation, Smart Life Net, and is comprised of specialists including medical doctors, health nurses, registered nurses, clinical laboratory technicians, nursing teachers, and nutritionists.

②予約受付と締め切りについて Reservations and Deadlines


・ Making a reservation: You can make a reservation as much as 2 weeks before the desired test date (starts at 0:00).
・ Deadline for making a reservation: Reservations for new applicants are stopped 1 days before the test date (closes at 23:59)

③予約番号について Reservation Number


When you make your reservation, you will receive a “reservation number” and an “inquiry number”.
You must take both of them with you on your test day.
When you finish making your reservation online, a number will be shown on the screen. Save this information by printing it out, capturing a screen shot, etc., and make sure you can present the number on the day you take the test.

④検査当日について On the Day of the Test


Please arrive at the site by the reservation time.
Show your “reservation number” and “inquiry number” at the reception desk.


➄キャンセルする場合 Cancelations


If you cannot keep your test reservation, please cancel it.
You can cancel it through the Special HIV Testing Reservation Site.
When you cancel your reservation, prepare to use the “inquiry number” you received at the time of making your reservation.


➅警報発令時の検査中止について Test Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather


If a “Strong Wind Warning (bofu keiho)” or “Emergency Warning (Tokubetsu keiho)” is issued at 16:00 on Thursdays or at 11:00 on Saturdays/Sundays for the Osaka City, we will cancel all testing for the day.

⓻HIV検査予約専用サイトについて Special HIV Testing Reservation Site



Reservations can be made by computer, smartphone, or tablet.
If you choose to include your e-mail address, the system will send you mail upon completion of the reservation and on the day before testing.




英語、・スペイン語・ポルトガル語  火曜日 4:00pm~8:00pm
中国語  水曜日 4:00pm~8:00pm
英語・フィリピン語  木曜日 4:00pm~8:00pm

If you need an interpreter for a language other than English, please contact CHARM (Center for Health and Rights of Migrants) on the following days at the times listed. CHARM cooperates with the testing by supplying interpreters.
“Telephone consultation for HIV/sexually transmitted diseases”
English/Spanish/Portuguese: Tuesdays 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Chinese: Wednesdays 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
English/Tagalog: Thursdays 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
For Thai, Vietnamese, or Indonesian, please send us your inquiries using the “Contact” form on our website.

CHARM お問合せフォーム “Contact” form



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